
2013年8月23日 星期五

FF 0.3 Understanding Process Consultation

Schein (1988, Process Consultation: its role in organization development 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.) capture that dimension of a facilitator's responsibility in his definition of process consultation as:
A set of activities on the part of the consultant that helps the client perceive, understand, and act upon the process events that occur in the client's environment in order to improve the situation as defined by the client.

2013年8月6日 星期二

書摘:麥肯錫寫作技術與邏輯思考 6



  • 有說服力的故事,要先想好架構
  • 先寫出「主題」金字塔
    • 包括:提示問題(SCQ)、主要主題、關鍵主題(O)、結論(R),參考圖表6-1。
  • 再填入「訊息」,建成上半金字塔
    • 加上幾十個字的簡短訊息,也就是標題訊息,參考圖表6-2。
  • 建成完整版金字塔
    • 主題下加主要摘要,標題下加上次要訊息,參考圖表6-3。