- The presentation of information
- The generation and processing of data
- The use of participant resources
- The use of different media and ways of working on group tasks
知識經濟當道,跨領域合作盛行。企業、非營利組織、政府等,集合不同知識背景的一群人,分享資訊、規劃未來、集體決策、解決問題,進而協同作業、整合行動,達到目標。傳統的會議引導人,讓不同領域的人,在同一個架構下討論,已非常不容易;全球化來臨,不同時空、文化背景下的運作,困難度更高。學會團體討論引導的方法,發揮團隊戰力,應該是面對全球化的競爭,必修課程。首先從 (Justice and Jamieson, 1999, The Facilitaor's Fieldbook, AMACOM, NY)開始。 專案顧問透過系統化的方式,將「解決問題」由個人提升至團隊的層次。
2011年12月10日 星期六
FF 0.1 Understanding Adult Learning
It is important for facilitators to know how people learn because such knowledge influences the quality of facilitation, especially in theses areas:
2011年12月4日 星期日
FF 0.0 Facilitation Overview
Organizations are rapidly changing and everyone's getting involved! Change efforts today are guided and shaped by lessons learned over the past 30 years of trial and error in planned organization change. Three lessons have taken hold:
- Participation is important.
- Teams generally perform better than individuals.
- Process (how something is done) affects outcome (what is accomplished).
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