(Margin Icons: Cameo)
William O'brien, formerly the Chief Executive Officer of the Hanover Insurance Company, is mow a member of the board of governors of the Center for Organizational Learning at MIT.
跨領域團隊 問題解決-Hubert的學習筆記
知識經濟當道,跨領域合作盛行。企業、非營利組織、政府等,集合不同知識背景的一群人,分享資訊、規劃未來、集體決策、解決問題,進而協同作業、整合行動,達到目標。傳統的會議引導人,讓不同領域的人,在同一個架構下討論,已非常不容易;全球化來臨,不同時空、文化背景下的運作,困難度更高。學會團體討論引導的方法,發揮團隊戰力,應該是面對全球化的競爭,必修課程。首先從 (Justice and Jamieson, 1999, The Facilitaor's Fieldbook, AMACOM, NY)開始。 專案顧問透過系統化的方式,將「解決問題」由個人提升至團隊的層次。
2014年1月6日 星期一
2014年1月1日 星期三
TFDF Getting Started: 4. Why Bother?
Why build a learning organization? Why commit ourselves to a lifelong attempt to understand and shift the ways we think and behave?
TFDT Getting Started: 3. How to Read This Book
Start Anywhere. Go Anywhere
We have design the book to reward browsing in any direction. Cross-references, for example, point out meaningful links. Zoom in where you feel engaged. Here are some starting points:2013年12月30日 星期一
TFDF Getting Started: 2. An Exchange of Lore and Learning
The Purpose of The Fieldbook
This book is for people who want to make their organizations more effective, while realizing their personal vision. You can apply theories, methods, and tools, increasing your own skills in the process. You can create, in other words, an organization which can learn.TFDF Getting Started: 1. I See You
Among the tribes of northern Natal in South Africa, the most common greeting, is the expression: Sawu bona. It literally means, "I see you". If you are a member of the tribe, you might reply by saying Sikhona, "I am here". The order of the exchange is important: until you see me, I do not exist.
2013年8月23日 星期五
FF 0.3 Understanding Process Consultation
Schein (1988, Process Consultation: its role in organization development 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.) capture that dimension of a facilitator's responsibility in his definition of process consultation as:
A set of activities on the part of the consultant that helps the client perceive, understand, and act upon the process events that occur in the client's environment in order to improve the situation as defined by the client.
2013年8月6日 星期二
書摘:麥肯錫寫作技術與邏輯思考 6
- 有說服力的故事,要先想好架構
- 先寫出「主題」金字塔
- 包括:提示問題(SCQ)、主要主題、關鍵主題(O)、結論(R),參考圖表6-1。
- 再填入「訊息」,建成上半金字塔
- 加上幾十個字的簡短訊息,也就是標題訊息,參考圖表6-2。
- 建成完整版金字塔
- 主題下加主要摘要,標題下加上次要訊息,參考圖表6-3。
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