
2014年1月6日 星期一

TFDF Getting Started: 5. Why Bother? (A CEO's Perspective)

(Margin Icons: Cameo)

William O'brien, formerly the Chief Executive Officer of the Hanover Insurance Company, is mow a member of the board of governors of the Center for Organizational Learning at MIT.

2014年1月1日 星期三

TFDF Getting Started: 4. Why Bother?

Why build a learning organization? Why commit ourselves to a lifelong attempt to understand and shift the ways we think and behave?

TFDT Getting Started: 3. How to Read This Book

Start Anywhere. Go Anywhere

We have design the book to reward browsing in any direction. Cross-references, for example, point out meaningful links. Zoom in where you feel engaged. Here are some starting points: